
Zombie Preparedness: Are YOU A “Zombie Prepper?

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Zombie Preparedness: Are YOU A “Zombie Prepper?

This morning’s facebook and twitter world seem to be full of posts about The Walking Dead, zombies and preppers.  It made me think about how much of

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Zombie Preparedness: Are YOU A “Zombie Prepper?This morning’s facebook and twitter world seem to be full of posts about The Walking Dead, zombies and preppers.  It made me think about how much of what we do (seriously) to be prepared versus what we’d do if we were preparing for a zombie apocalypse.  The decision I came to?  It wouldn’t be all that different.  Let’s think about it for a few minutes…

“Preppers” are quite often made fun of, called “paranoid,” “over the top,” or other things indicating that the preparations they’re making aren’t really necessary.  After all the government isn’t really going to collapse, is it?  The Mayan Calendar predicting the end of the world as we know it isn’t really accurate, is it?  We don’t really have to worry about biological weapons attacks from terrorists, do we? The economy isn’t really going to keep getting worse, is it?
Here’s what I really know:
  • Even the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has leveraged the “zombie apocalypse” fad to push emergency preparedness information out to the masses.
  • The Walking Dead television show has one heck of a following.
  • The “zombie apocalypse” business genre has reportedly generated over $200 billion in revenue in the past five years.
  • After analyzing my own preparations, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m as ready for a zombie apocalypse as I am for an economical collapse.
Preparation is all about making sure that an interruption of normal services won’t kill you and your family.  The services we (typically) depend on are the delivery of electricity and water, groceries being available at the store, communications devices working, etc.  They are, for all intents and purposes, convenience items.  That is to say that we can live without the services.  What we can’t live without is what the services deliver.  The delivery methods are what is referred to as “infrastructure.”  If the infrastructure is broken or destroyed, THEN we face challenges; challenges made easier to meet or beat by being prepared.
In all reality, it doesn’t matter what causes the interruption of services.  The infrastructure could be damaged by natural disaster, terrorist attack or other man-made event.  The services themselves, so often reliant on computer software and hardware, could be interrupted by a breach in the security of those systems.  Our access to those services may be interrupted by war, civil disorder or… zombie apocalypse.
What we really need to know and act on is that any number of emergencies or disasters could interrupt the services we’ve evolved to rely on.  Being a “prepper” is really just being prepared so that your life is less inconvenienced and your survival more insured in the event of a breakdown in that infrastructure or any other event that interrupts the services we depend on.
So no matter what your justification for being a prepper is…  If you believe the government is going to collapse… if you believe the economy will collapse (and the government after it)… if you believe nuclear war will cause worldwide infrastructure collapse…  if you believe the New World Order is going to lead to the neutralization of the American Constitution resulting in chaos…
No matter what your justification for being a prepper is, YES, you are a zombie apocalypse prepper.  It’s actually kind of cool to fit in with the latest fad without even trying.
Source: newamericantruth.com