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Emergency Preparedness Seeds Kit Survival Garden Food Reviews

Emergency Preparedness Seeds Kit Survival Garden Food Complete 6Can Kit Save $ $ $ Long Term StorageGrow a Huge Garden Fruits, Vegetables, Grains &

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Emergency Preparedness Seeds Kit Survival Garden Food

  • Complete 6Can Kit Save $ $ $
  • Long Term Storage
  • Grow a Huge Garden Fruits, Vegetables, Grains & Herbs
  • Harvested seeds can be planted year after year

Emergency Preparedness Seeds Kit Emergency Survival Preparedness Seeds Kit INTEGRITY SURVIVAL SOLUTIONS EARTHQUAKES, TORNADOES, TSUNAMIS,

Emergencies And Disasters Can Strike At Any Time. Are You Prepared For The Unexpected?
Survival And Emergency Items To Complete Any Preparedness Plan.
Be Sure To Protect Those You Love For Tomorrow.
Thank You For Choosing Integrity Survival Solutions.

All 6 Survival Preparedness Seed Cans

* Packaged for long term storage. Will keep up to 4 years if stored at 66 to 70 degrees and much longer if kept colder
* All Non-hybrid, open pollinated varieties
* Be totally Self Sufficient
* Harvested seeds can be planted year after year
* Packets are re-sealable for lasting protection
* Complete planting and harvesting instructions included
* Grow a Huge Garden Fruits, Vegetables, Grains \”

Save $ $ order the Complete Survival Emergency Preparedness Seed Kit
Remain completely Self-Sufficient
Over .00 in savings!
Why settle for 1 or 2 cans of Preparedness Seeds when you have the whole \”Garden.\” This package contains all 6 cans of seeds.
With these cans you will have all of the seeds you need to remain completely self-sufficient. These Seeds are Non-Hybrid, Non-GMO and are not chemically treated.
Because they are non-hybrid, seeds may be harvested at the end of the growing season and then used for the next year\’s planting.

Cans included are:

Ancient Grains (1 Can)
Culinary Can of Seeds (1 Can)
Garden Can of Seeds (1 Can)
Medicinal Can of Seeds (1 Can)
Salsa Can of Seeds (1 Can)
Fruits \’n Such Can of Seeds (1 Can)
Seed packets sealed in a #10 can.
Keeps up to 4 years if stored at 66 to 70 degrees and much longer if kept cold.
Packets are re-sealable for lasting protection.
Complete planting & harvesting instructions included>