1 17 18 19 20 21 131 190 / 1302 POSTS

What Is the Best Survival Gear for a Family to Have?

Natural disasters and man-made disasters are occurring with more frequency than ever. So it makes sense to make sure that your family is prepared for [...]

Survival Garden

Life is full of uncertainties. No one knows what tomorrow will bring. As such, it is always worthwhile to be ready for whatever nasty happenings that [...]

What Goes Into an Emergency Preparedness Kit for Short Term Disasters?

Emergencies can be classified as either short or long term. You may deal with short-term emergencies - such as losing power for a day or having a heal [...]

Power Generators, Disasters and Emergencies.

Disasters and emergencies alike can cause unprecedented destructtion of human life and peoperty if not properly managed or contained. Disasters come i [...]

Top 5 Outdoor Survival Gadgets to Consider

Surviving in any outdoor situation means that you have to have the gadgets that can help you. While there are many tools available that offer to help [...]

Fire Starters

We sometimes take fire starters for granted. Can you imagine what you would do if you needed to get a fire going, but din't have a lighter and and you [...]

The Best Way to Hone Your Survival Skills

Human beings have a strong will to survive, but that will can easily get beaten down when faced with overwhelming situations. A situation is only over [...]

Why You Should Buy A Crank Powered Radio

Crank powered radios can be one of the most important things in your survival kit if an emergency ever occurs. If the power goes out, a crank powered [...]

Survival Supplies You Should Be Storing Long-Term

Surviving long-term after a disaster will depend on how well you prepared before the disaster struck. You need to gather what you need to survive righ [...]

Crank Powered Lights Are a Safe, Affordable Alternative to Candles

No More Unsafe Candles! When your lights go out, what's the first thing you grab? Chances are, you might reach for a candle. This was acceptable in t [...]
1 17 18 19 20 21 131 190 / 1302 POSTS